Design With Nature

It hasn't been often that a book on something like landscape architecture sticks in my mind as solidly as has , by Ian McHarg.

I didn't read the whole thing, but I remember the illustrations vividly. The copy I found in the University library had colored overlays that showed how communities could take the requirements and peculiarities of individual spaces into consideration when planning where to put industry, residential areas, walkable commercial areas, transportation, all the while preserving pre-existing historical sites.

In the aftermath of storms like Sandy, there are always discussions about planning for the future. McHarg suggests using the natural history of the land, floodplains and wetlands, the underlying geology and the quality of the soil, to minimize negative impacts in either direction in creating sustainable, working communities.

Take a look at this Quick View of Design With Nature. What is the natural history of your neighborhood? What are the elements of a successful community? And where would you put them in your town?
